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Momentive Performance Materials Expands Specialty Materials Capability in Rayong, Thailand

Februar 22, 2023

Niskayuna, New York – February 22, 2023 – The Momentive Performance Materials group (Momentive), a global high-performance silicones and specialty solutions company, announced today its latest growth investment - a new manufacturing facility in Rayong, Thailand.

Breaking ground on what will be home to a new state of the art facility, this new site will expand Momentive’s manufacturing capacity to serve the growing Southeast Asian market demand for specialty silicones in industries including beauty and personal care, automotive, energy, healthcare and agriculture. This new facility will be Momentive’s second manufacturing site in Rayong, Thailand.

“Expanding production in Rayong is a key part of our in-region-for-region strategy to provide a more flexible and reliable supply capability for our Southeast Asia customers,” said VP Nalian, President & General Manager of Momentive’s Performance Additives Business. “This new facility also represents Momentive’s global commitment to bringing innovative Solutions for a Sustainable World™, and meeting the most stringent production process safety standards. We remain committed to creating value for our customers, our partners, our employees, our environment, and our local communities.”

“The new investment in Rayong is a great example of how Momentive will continue to serve customers around the world, and support the industries and development in Southeast Asia,” said Pawan Sherpuri, Regional Leader, Southeast Asia.

About Momentive

Momentive is a premier global advanced materials company with a cutting-edge focus on silicone and specialty products. We deliver technologies, solutions and processes designed to propel our customer’s products forward—products that have a profound impact on everyday life from dawn to dusk, and from living rooms to outer space. With every innovation, Momentive aims to create a more sustainable future. Our vast product portfolio is made up of advanced silicone solutions that play an essential role in driving performance across a multitude of industries, including agriculture, automotive, aerospace, electronics, personal care, consumer products, building and construction, and more.

Momentive Performance Materials, Inc. is an indirect wholly owned subsidiary of MOM Holding Company and is one of the largest producers of silicones and silicone derivatives. Additional information about Momentive and its products is available at momentive.com  

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