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Creating innovations that enable advancements in tape, label and liner technologies, our versatile SilForce release coating products generally offer one of our most extensive arrays of formulations to match specific operational, performance and cost parameters. SilForce products may contribute to increased line speeds, decreased material costs, lower VOC emissions and applicability of standard production equipment to a broader array of substrates. These benefits arise from our ongoing developments in release coating chemistry: faster cure, lower platinum content, reduced misting, new release profiles, and low-temperature thermal as well as UV-curing.
The versatility of our SilForce release coating products typically starts with the wide range of curing systems accommodated through various formulations. Curing systems include thermal (solventless, water and solvent) and UV-cure systems. Within each of these cure subgroups, customers will find a range of:
We have engineered our UV-cure products to generally optimize our customers' capital investment and cost-effective processing, and our scientists have developed low-temperature thermal solventless products to provide an additional option in meeting low-temperature processing needs. The adaptability of SilForce release coatings may also provide customers with multiple formulating choices to customize the level of platinum catalyst to the needs of their production process and final label or tape application.
Complementing our release formulations, SilForce controlled release additives (CRAs) may help customers to improve efficiency for high-release formulations, due to the CRAs' ability to reduce smoke and foam generation during processing.
One of our most recent brand introductions, SilForce SLAM* 3000 silicone anti-mist additive, can be particularly effective in high-speed release liner production. We have designed this additive to help eliminate misting, thanks to its high-molecular-weight silicone polymer composition.
SilForce release coatings offer the potential to materially improve production processes and enhance opportunities for energy cost savings. Our ongoing commitment is twofold: to improve the process for customers to maintain profitability, and to create more sustainable products through processes that create less waste and use less energy.
Discover how our extensive portfolio of SilForce release coatings is helping enable efficiency and innovation.
*SilForce and SilForce SLAM are trademarks of Momentive Performance Materials Inc.
SilForce* FSR2000 Release Coating ist ein Polymer auf Fluorsilikon-Basis für additionsvernetzende Release Coatings und zum Ablösen von aggressiven PSAs. Weitere Informationen.
Spezialität für Mastix-Release
SilForce* SL6020 Release Coating ist ein aushärtungsfördender Vernetzer für additionsvernetzende und schnell vernetzende Release Coatings. Weitere Informationen.
SilForce* SL6031 Release Coating ist ein Controlled Release Polymer für additionsvernetzende Release Coatings und Anwendungsfälle mit hoher Trennkraft. Weitere Informationen.
SilForce* SL6062 Release Coating ist ein Basispolymer für additionsvernetzende Release Coatings, eine schnelle Aushärtung und ein dynamisches Trennprofil. Weitere Informationen.
SilForce* SL6162 Release Coating ist ein Basispolymer für additionsvernetzende Release Coatings und Anwendungen mit schneller Aushärtung und dynamischem Trennprofil. Weitere Informationen.
SilForce * SL6210 Release Coating ist ein Platin(Pt-)katalysator für additionsvernetzende dynamische Release Coatings. Weitere Informationen.
SilForce* SL6510 Release Coating ist ein Platin(Pt)-Katalysator für additionsvernetzende Release Coatings für ein sehr schnelles Ablösen mit flachem Trennprofil. Weitere Informationen.
SilForce* SL6562 Release Coating ist ein Basispolymer für additionsvernetzende Release Coatings und Anwendungen mit hoher Geschwindigkeit und flachem Trennprofil. Weitere Informationen.
* Die mit einem Sternchen (*) gekennzeichneten Marken sind Marken von Momentive Performance Materials Inc.